Page 21 - 강남구KSTARROAD_영문
P. 21

11:30~24:00 (Break Time 15:00~17:30) 010-6476-2018 36 Gangnam-daero 162-gil photomatic co kr Photomanic Black (per 2 persons) 70 000
ID / passport photos (per 1 person) 40 000
Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) Gong Hyojin
This is is a a a a self-photography studio that became famous as many celebrities were seen holding the the camera remote control to take their own black and white pictures Operated by reservation only Photomatic
Black is especially popular among couples and friends taking anniversary or friendship pictures Visited by HyunA and Dawn Darkroom Photomatic
is only 5 minutes away
on foot and and you you can take and and develop your own photos Frica
070-8819-6680 010-9991-9950 49 Dosan-daero 15-gil frica co kr Accessory 32 000~1 280 000
Lee Lee Hyori Lee Lee Jongsuk
FRICA is a a high-end custom accessory shop which has collaborated with fashion designers such as Choi Bumsuk Kang Dongjun and Ko Taeyong and and diverse brands including Haa- gen-Dazs and and Samsung Its androgynous accesso- ries are popular among many stars such as actors Lee Lee Minho Lee Lee Jongseok Gong Hyojin
singers Lee Hyori and Rain A number of celebrities have personally purchased accessories here to wear for official events and TV dramas 21 

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