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Subway information


All subway lines are color coded and stations display signs in Korean, English, and Chinese. To ride the subway, you must use a single or multiple journey pass. Single-journey passes can be purchased in the subway stations, and require exact fare to your destination plus a 500-won refundable deposit. Multiple journey passes called Tmoney can be purchased at most convenience stores. Transfers between subway lines are free, and Tmoney users can transfer for free between bus and subway lines.

Using method of Seoul subway

  • Purchasing single use transportation card
  • Use the line search to select a station and chose the number of tickets needed. Then insert subway fee and deposit of 500 Won. Machine will operate and single use transportation card will be issued.
  • Getting on the subway
  • Check the direction of the correct turnstile and place the transportation card on the reader when passing.
  • Deposit refund
  • When the subway stops at the destination, please check the exit and place the transportation card on the reader to pass the turnstile.
  • Insert the single use transportation card in the deposit refund machine to receive deposit of 500 Won.