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Gangnam Walking Tour

In addition to Korean wave experience, it is possible to take tourist information and medical information as well.
It might be serving a triple purpose. Also, look around street of fashionista, which is the most trendiest recently.

Introduce Tourist attractions

The Gangnam Tourist Information Center offers tourist excellent medical service and information of Gangnam area. It is recommended to take a look for cafeteria, designer shops, well known restaurants walking on the Garosu-gil which is the most trendiest street in Sinsadong, Seoul. Also, you should not miss another unique street where it is called ‘Selosu-gil’ and recently made it along Garosu side street.

Tourist attractions

The Gangnam Tourist Information Center : Gangnam Medical Tour Center, Korean Wave Experience Center Garosu-gil Road, Serosu-gil Road, etc.